Saturday, August 31, 2013

Proper hydration is vital

When it's hot outside or you exercise a lot,it is not enough just to drink water in order to be hydration.
It is required that you consume salt to the water, so that the water can be absorbed by the body. When you sweat a lot or when it is very hot, the balance in your body is disturbed  and you lose a lot of salts.
This also applies in cases of fever, stomach flu, diarrhea or excessive consumption of alcohol.

Therefore I give you a recipe of how to make your own rehydration solution:
1 L of boiled cooled water
6 teaspoons of granulated sugar
0.5 teaspoons of salt
If you want you can even have a few drops of lemon. Keep cold or at room temperature up to one day.

Why is it so important with water then?
Well, its task is to transport nutrients into cells and waste products out of cells. It also helps when the cells build proteins.
Other benefits of drinking water is that your joints are lubricated, the food need to be digested and it regulates your body temperature.
What happens if you do not drink enough water?
The body takes the fluid it needs from the blood that the blood volume decreases and the heart rate rises.
It's best for your body is that you drink 2-3 liters per day

Have a great water day!!!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Orgasm, better workout for the brain than sudoku

If you want to train your brain, you should  have an orgasm.
It is what the scientists says now. You can still train the brain with Sudoku or crosswords, but according to new findings, you train the entire brain during orgasm instead of just a part of it as you do with Sudoku and crosswords.
At orgasm, the brain receives both nutrients and oxygen, which is very good for the brain.
It also relieves pain by blocking it.
So take the opportunity and enjoy yourself as much as you can and think about how good your brain is feeling ..

Want to read the article with facts, click here!



Saturday, August 24, 2013

Drink warm water, Ayurveda

Within the Ayurveda teachings encourage you to cleanse your body with water.
When you drink water you clear your body of toxins.
The important thing is that you drink boiled water that is cooled to room temperature.
How is this to be done?
You start the morning with clearing the mouth by gargling around water and spit it out. Then drink 2.5 cups of boiled lukewarm water and wait to eat in 45 minutes. When you do this you remove old debris away from the depots in the body.
It's been proven that it takes about 21 days to get used to a new habit so keep going and don´t give up.
If you drink warm water with meals, you also help the digestion. Particularly suited to oily food.

When you decided to take care of your body through the water therapy you prevent:
Muscle aches
High blood pressure

Since the body is composed of about 60% water, you give your skin proper moisture when you drink water and dryness wrinkles on your face disappears. The skin is the organ which is last provided with water and if you don´t drink enough, it reacts by becoming dry and sensitive.
You know you drink just enough water if your urine is pale yellow.
Do like me and make a toast with a glass of hot water!

Amalgam, the leking bomb of poison

Now I finally removed my last amalgam fillings in my mouth.
The fillings are called the leaking bomb of poison, and causes many problems in the body.
Therefore, I chose to do a clean-up and remove mine.
The important thing to keep in mind is, that once you have decided to do this, you have to choose a dentist who is skilled and experienced in this field. It is important to do it slowly, about three per year, and during the whole period, and about 4 months extra, you need to eat selenium. Selenium protects from mercury poisoning, so don´t skip that.
What can the amalgam fillings cause?
Brain tumor
Mental imbalance
Sleep disorders
Autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis

These are just some of the things that can occur, so do not hesitate to get rid of the dangerous mercury.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013


For more quotes, visit my Quote tab!

Pomegranate the superfruit

Pomegranate is a super fruit with plenty of protective antioxidants that makes your body feel heavenly good.
It strengthens the small blood vessels in the face and muffles even a blotchy skin tone.
Pomegranate is anti-inflammatory and has a killing effect on bacteria which is effective against for example herpes.
When you eat pomegranate you reduce the risk of:
* Cholesterol
* Cancer, particularly breast - and prostate cancer
* Heart disease
* Diarrhea
* Sun damaged skin

Use pomegranate in salad, or enjoy natural.
Why not drink it as juice?

It´s a good fruit with a yummy flavor, but hard to open.
Therefore I enclose a link for those who want to watch a movie on how to open it. Click here!

Have a healthy day and eat well.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

You can´t walk yourself thin

I read a really interesting article about that you can´t walk yourself thin.
It says
that you have to walk 10 hours a day, if your weigh is

80 kg/176.3 Ibs, to loose 1 kg/2.2 Ibs a week. Walking as exercise has many health benefits for your body. But using exercise to lose weight appears, to be according to this article impossible. The pounds you manage to lose when you're exercising, you immediately have back again when you stop exercising.
Instead, it is the food that affects your weight. It's what you eat that determines how much you weigh. You are what you eat.

If you know Swedish you can read the whole article here.

If you want to know anything else about the article, ask me and I will answer.
Enjoy your healthy life…

Monday, August 12, 2013

Mindfulness for you

Mindfulness means - be aware of the present moment
 Practicing mindfulness can be very important for your wellbeing. The mindfulness app gives you access to guided meditations at 3, 5, 15 and 30 minutes, and body scanning. Personally, I feel that I need a guiding in my meditations and this app complies that task excellent.

Do like me and relief stress in your every day situation, and have more energy to tackle upcoming problems. I can insure you that when you start to meditate, if only a few minutes each day, you will feel better and feel more inner peace.
It is now time to start enjoying life to the fullest dear friends.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

A miracle manicure

Indulge yourself today and give your hands an amazing miracle manicure.
If you do this every week, you will have beautiful hands to feel proud of. Self, I must admit that I don´t do this frequently, but once a month I usually get to it.
You don´t need to go to expensive salons if you follow my advice below.

Wash your hands and gently rub cuticle clean with a nail brush.
Now take your homemade hand scrub that I wrote about before
Home made hand scrub, look here.
Rinse off with lukewarm water and go to your nourishing and healing water.
Pour warm water into a bowl that you can fit both hands in.
Add a little green soap (this heals wounds and dry bulk).
Sit with your hands in the water for 15 minutes.
Wipe them off.
Now is the time to take care of your cuticles. Pull it down gently with an emery board and cut them out with scissors you see in my picture.
File your nails with a glass file (it is the most gentle on the nail), preferably in one direction only.
Paint your nails.
Finish it all to lubricate your hands with a lovely hand cream and massaging them lightly.
Feel fine and do not forget the gloves when you wash and clean to preserve your hands.

Take this opportunity to throw away kisses today :)

Saturday, August 10, 2013

The perfect hand scrub

Homemade hand scrub

Take care of yourself and give your hands a great hand scrub. This you make easily yourself with your ingredients from your kitchen. It's good for your hands and good for the environment. No scary chemicals. A very nice one I have made many times.
Do like this:
1 table spoon of salt
1 table spoon sugar
Put it into a little bowl and stir well.
Add 1 table spoon of olive oil and stir once again.
Then take a couple of drops of
essential oil, lavender for example and stir it all over again.

Wash your hands and scrub them softly with your scrub.
Rinse off with water and finally you take a good smooth hand cream.

Have a nice day and greet people

Friday, August 9, 2013


If you want to read more like this, please look at the side "quotes"!

Distance healing by sound

Now I have tried distance healing by sound. A very powerful and special experience.
By giving my name, and my personal id number, the healer can connect to me. He said that some of the healing always slip out and affect other people positively. 
Now I have made this twice to be absolutely sure and it is no doubt that it works. 
I truly believe this works for everyone and I really recommend it. 
So how does it work?
I give him my name, id and a list saying, 1, 2, 3, etc
This number I write to myself as well on a piece of paper. Then next to the numbers I write my problems, the words at nr 1 and so on. For example: 1: pain, 2: sadness.....
Now this list is registered in my brain, in my subconscious so the healer can feel and work with it. 
We decide an exact time for this and I lay in my bed relaxing with nor my arms or legs crossed. I make sure that nothing can disturb me and then it begins. I can feel when it begins by the strongly tingling sensation in my cheek. Then after five minutes I fall asleep, because it effects the body so strongly. 
When he stops I get wide awake. I immediately feels that it has stopped. 

Do like me and take care of your body. Reduce your problems. 
Have a great healing day!!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

My good morning smoothie

Today I´m enjoying this good luxury smoothie an ordinary cloudy Thursday morning. Thought replenish me with vitamin C stock within kiwi. Since I was a little late, I decided to take it with me to work in my practical smoothie mug. See the picture.
Today my breakfast contains:
 1 banana
2 kiwi
1 handful of raspberries
1 piece of ginger
flaxseed oil
Cold pressed rapeseed oil
Cayenne Pepper

Have a great and healthy day!

The marvel of chocolate

Do just like me and indulge yourself to eat good luxury dark chocolate. Not only does it calm the sweet cravings,but it also has several health benefits. Dark chocolate contains antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. It has positive effects on blood vessels, blood pressure, the formation of blood clots and inflammation level in the body. It also contains stimulant substances that help to increase metabolism. Many scientists say that one can actually lose weight with dark chocolate. It also helps to lower blood pressure, reduce cholesterol, and lower depression, which emit substances similar to hormones endorphins that provide a sense of comfort. It also increases blood flow to the brain and elsewhere, which in turn leads to an increase in cognitive ability.
A 100 gram bar of dark chocolate with 70-85% cocoa contains - 11 grams of fiber. - 67% of the RDA for iron. - 58% of the RDA for magnesium. - 89% of the RDA for copper. - 98% of the RDA for manganese. - There are also plenty of potassium, phosphorus, zinc and selenium.
RDA = Recommended Daily Intake.
To continue with all the positives of dark chocolate, I can now happily inform you that it can also protect your skin from the sun. The bioactive compounds in dark chocolate protects against sun-induced damage, improves blood flow to the skin and increase skin density and hydration. The minimum amount of UVB rays it takes to cause redness of the skin, more than doubled after consuming dark chocolate during a period. So why not eat a little every day of the year ... if you're planning a beach vacation, I think you should consider to replenish yourself with dark chocolate a few weeks or months before. .
One type of flavonoids, which can only be found in cocoa products means that cocoa is among the richest sources of antioxidants found in nature. They help to stave off the aging process and protect your cells from free radicals. Eating high quality cocoa content is a great way to incorporate anti-aging in your diet, but remember that moderation is important.
Why not use the chocolate all the way and make a great facial mask of dark chocolate and coffee to lighten skin?

Can also be called anti-aging mask

How to do it:
- Half a bar of chocolate, about 70 grams of 85% cocoa (the higher the cocoa content, the more antioxidants).
Melt over a water bath.
- 1 ½ tablespoonsground coffee beans
Stir in the melted chocolate.
Apply on face and leave on for 15 minutes.
Rinse thoroughly and lubricate with face cream.
The coffee is ingenious and increases swollowness.

Good Luck!

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