Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Faster wellness with elderberry

Elderberry contains substances that enhance the immune system and are effective against many different types of cold viruses. The flowers contain substances that are primarily perspiring and infusions of these are used for the treatment of colds, coughs and upper respiratory infections,

Here are two recipes of elder tea.

Tea number one:

1. Dry the leaves and flowers on a sheet for 4-5 days or until they are completely dry and chapped.
2. Take 2 teaspoons of elderberry for every 2 cups of water.
3. Add dried elderberries in a mug, pour over boiling water and let stand 4-5 minutes.
 Drink only 2 cups per day to avoid the laxative effect. If you want to dry the flowers faster, so you can do it in the oven, on the bottom shelf for about 5-6 hours.

Tea number two:

5 elderflower bunches
1 handful fresh mint leaves or lemon balm
2 cups brown sugar or raw sugar
1 liter of boiling water

Fresh and good to drink.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Blueberries against inflammatory diseases

Blueberries contain many useful substances including acts against inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis. The antioxidants in blueberries has an positive effect on inflammation. They capture the free radicals in the body and protects the cells. It also has great significance for the aging process due to small inflammations in the body. They work especially good, if they are eaten together with probiotics and some extra fiber.

Blueberries can also be used to:
Tired Eyes
Balances intestinal flora, dried berries inhibit diarrhea and fresh counteracts constipation
Type 2 diabetes
Blood Pressure

I think they are very good to eat in smoothies, on your yogurt or for example on pancakes. Since you can not eat too much, you just have to indulge in the healthy berries.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Neti Pot, your sinuses best friend

Nasal cleansing improves your overall health and is recommended today by doctors for cold, stuffy nose, pollen allergy, asthma and sinus problems. You clean your nose from dirt and it can be used as part of a Detox.
Nasal cleansing is an old tradition in Ayurveda and has its roots from India. Yogi rinses their nose every day to prevent infections and to experience greater mental clarity.
The more regularly you rinse your nose, the greater and more lasting the effect it will make.
Nasal wash stimulates and range of the area around the eyes and forehead. This can relieve tension headaches and improve eyesight and sense of smell, as well as being an aid to quit smoking.
I use my Netipot almost every day. My sinus problems and my colds have decreased considerably since I started using it.
When you rinse your nose you shall use lukewarm water. Pour in sea salt with the dimension that comes with, and stir until dissolved. Remember not to rinse your nose just before you are going out in the cold. A little water stays in the sinuses for a while and then cool down rapidly and causes more trouble than good.
I therefore recommend that you do it in the evening when you come home from work and you know you are not going out again.
Be sure to keep your Netipot clean from bacteria and dry. You do not want to have the bad bacteria in your sinuses.
Have questions or want to know more, contact us.

If you want to se a movie of how good the Netipot is, look here.

Good Luck!

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Give your life light - cure your body

A bridge near my home. See the light
Try to get as much light as you can. Staying in light strengthens your resilience and prevent depression and sadness.
Daylight makes the brain produces the neurotransmitter serotonin. Serotonin is a chemical substance for the well being of the brain.
If you´re not getting enough of daylight, there is special lights to buy. Otherwise you can try light therapy. I've never done myself.

To give yourself the right light brings you:
 A better immune system
Reduces fatigue, stress and headaches
Combats depression and sadness
Increases the mind sharp
Increases your creativity
Reduce your sugar cravings, thus preventing weight gain

You can also meditate to light.
Put yourself in a position that signals alertness and openness. No arms crossed.
Close your eyes and breathe deeply with your stomach.
Now imagine that you are sitting under a waterfall of light that radiates through your head.
Feel your body filled with white flowing energy and how it heals your body.
Receive as long as you can feel focused.
This meditation is also good to do before going to practice healing on someone else.

Enjoy a day with plenty of light and feel how it enhances your precious body.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Meditate by the ocean and use its energy to heal yourself

Last night I went for a walk by the sea. There was an amazing sunset and I decided for a moment of meditation. With this meditation I retrieve power and new energy from the sea.

Do like this:
Stand with your arms out and breathe slowly a few breaths. Now start to bread deep with your belly. Focusing on the path of the air, from the mouth down to the lungs and back.
Imagine that you are breathing in white light with energy and power that strengthens your body. And out blue light that brings your illnesses, your worries and negative thoughts out from your body.
Do so for about five minutes. Think all the time on the breath, and your will not mind to wander.
Now imagine that you are breathing with your whole body. In and out. With the feet, legs, arms, all body parts.
Do so until you feel completely relaxed.
Now, let you become one with the ocean. Inhale as the ocean and listen to the ocean's rhythm. Feel the sea inside you.
Imagine how quiet and still everything is under the surface and feel the serenity become one with you.
Continue as long as you want.

Good luck and enjoy life.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Do not hesitate to take cortisone injection

Do you suffer from rheumatoid arthritis?I do. I have always waited to go to the doctor for taking a cortisone injections in different needed places. Brought excuses. But that´s not the way anymore.
I really think you should take a shot as soon as you feel you need to. Having an active inflammation breaks down the joints. That´s why you should not go dragging on it.
When you take your shot, you won´t feel better the first two days.

You need to rest and certainly not to burden the treating joint in one to two days. You should not come into contact with water at the injection site, because you can easily get yourself a bacterium into the ranks, (and that we do not).

This is what an shoulder joint with inflammation looks like.

When you waited two days after your injection, I promise you will feel soooo much better.
After eleven years of experience, I know what I'm talking about.
Yesterday I received two injections.
One in each shoulder aouch. It hurted.

 Had to lie in bed all day, but I know it will pay off
Do like me and skip the pain.

Want to ask me questions about rheumatism so fill out the contact form on the right.
Take care, good people.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Take care of your pain

Bed of nails, also known as Shakti is an Indian rug for acupuncture and acupressure.
This I really recommend you to use as a tool to relieve your pain. It can of course also be used if you don´t have pain, but do dissolve the tension in your body and relax.
It is suitable for anyone who wants to feel better! If you are stressed out, sleep poorly, have low energy, muscle tension, stiffness, headache, temporary pain in your back and neck, or need better and deeper sleep, then the carpet is right for you.
Just want to alert you that it does not cure chronic pain.

To get an optimal effect, you should use the rug regularly. You will then be permanently deeper relaxed. I think that no matter who you are or what your situation looks like a bed of nails at home is something you should give yourself.
In the beginning it can hurt a little when you lie down on it, but try to remain at least ten minutes. If you don´t feel discomfort, you can stay for 30 minutes or more.
I usually fall asleep on the bed for 10-15 minutes and sleep about 1-2 hours on it. There is no problem for the body. You get very tired when using it because it causes the body to relax. Therefore, I recommend it also for you if you have trouble falling asleep at night. You fall asleep well and easily in bed with it and wake up after a time, when you throw it down on the floor. You will fall asleep quickly again. I do, and even those that I have recommended this to.
How can this work?
When you lie on the bed of nails, tense trigger points in the body sends 

signals to the spinal cord and then the brain produces endogenous morphine, called endorphins. Circulation increases and blood vessels dilate, causing the muscle spasms and releases pain subsides.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Healing sound frequency vital for you

Researchers have found that cats purr at a frequency with a vibration between 25 and 150 Hz.
This vital spinning begins when they are a few days old, and continues their whole life.
Studies shows that frequencies in this area, promote healing of bone density and muscle - for both animals and humans.
Therefore it is important to take advantage of that knowledge and that you start listening to hypnosis and meditation with healing sound frequency. Different frequencies heals different things. You can download apps or listen on YouTube to get access to this healing power.
The low vibration frequency quince has a therapeutic effect. They are analgesic, promotes wound healing, reduces swelling and breathing.

Do like me and all the cats. Listen to the healing sound every day and feel better.
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